Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Apple Picking

There were enormous green apples for sale at the farmer's market Saturday so I picked a few up intending to use them as a photo props and then devour them (they were delicious in case you were wondering). I don't think Claire was too impressed with this staged version of apple picking though - see the glare she's giving me as she throws down the prize?

Here are a few of my favorite photos from this afternoon's backyard antics - enjoy! The originals can all be viewed in the slideshow at the bottom or downloaded from the PicasaWeb album here.


  1. Claire - you need to grow a few more teeth and then the apples will have to watch out! You are a beauty.

  2. Claire - you need to grow a few more teeth and then the apples will have to watch out! You are a beauty.

  3. The attitude picture is my new favorite!!! I love the 'tude!


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